Game Exercise: Close your eyes and follow along with an entire Chess game using the audio below. On each move, try to conceptualize the position clearly and understand how it has changed. Try to follow the game until the end to stretch the amount of moves you can see ahead.
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PGN for today's exercise:
Taylor vs NN (London, 1862)
- e4 e5 2. Nf3 Nf6 3. Bc4 Nxe4 4. Nc3 Nc5 5. Nxe5 f6 6. Qh5+ g6 7. Bf7+ Ke7 8. Nd5+ Kd6 9. Nc4+ Kc6 10. Nb4+ Kb5 11. a4+ Kxb4 12. c3+ Kb3 13. Qd1# *